Wordpress crack down on plugin developers wanting to Earn Money from their hard work
I have had to remove the PluginSponsors.com Wordpress plugin from all my Wordpress plugins due to Wordpress threatening the maker of the PluginSponsors.com plugin that they will remove any plugins that utilise his harmless advert with removal from the wordpress repository.
It's not as if Wordpress Plugin developers make much money from their hard work in the first place and people who use them seem to expect 24 hour support for free as well.
Rarely I might get a small donation from one of my plugin users but it is hardly enough to cover the expense of running a cloud based server so in my opinion Wordpress is bang out of order.
Not only have I had numerous blogs on wordpress.com removed without explanation (one I have had returned without any reasoning behind the ban in the first place) but when my first wordpress.com blog was banned the other year I found out just how unreasonable the people at Automattic can be from my email discussions with them.
Not only would refuse to offer proper explanations for their reasoning behind the ban even when I gave them logical counter arguments to anything they mentioned but their intransigence reminded me of a stubborn child demanding more sweeties and refusing to back down until they got them.
Then when logic and reason was too much for them they just ignored my emails leaving me with a banned site that was up until then receiving high amounts of traffic.
Today if I was recommending a free hosted blogging tool to anyone I would tell them to go and check out blogspot with Google.
I know this blog is a blogspot blog and doesn't exactly look much but it was my first foray into blogging and I created it a good few years ago.
Nowadays their blogging software is much better and unlike the free wordpress.com blogs they actually allow you to upload images into the header, show adverts and customise the CSS of your blog for free.
After trying to set up 3 wordpress.com blogs that all had the word "horseracing" in the domain which were all instantly banned (without any kind of reason) I set this one up on blogspot: UK Horse Racing Star without any problems at all.
As you can see it's a lot better looking than this old blog plus it took me less than 20 minutes to style it, upload a header image and set the adverts up.
From now on I think I will be sticking to blogspot as Automattic have shown that they don't care about the plugin developers who spend hours even weeks writing all the thousands of plugins that make their system work.
If they did care they would offer a marketplace like Joomla for developers to sell their hard work instead of cracking down on those plugin authors who want some kind of recompense for their development.
You can read the author of the PluginSponsors.com thoughts on the matter here Automattic Bullies.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Speeding up batch SQL Processes that use temporary table variables
Problems with TABLE variables and how to improve performance for SQL Batch Jobs
We recently moved our production system to SQL 2008. Everything seemed okay until we realised after a fortnight that a particular MS Agent job had not been completing correctly.
One of the steps within the job had been failing due to a missing SQL Login. This job transferred large amounts of data from daily tables to historical ones and a large backlog had now been created numbering in the tens of millions.
Due to the use of our batch delete process that removed data that had been transferred in small chunks (500 rows) to reduce locking the data had got to a stage where new records were being added almost as fast as we were removing them.
When I looked at the query that was doing the insert and then delete I saw that it was using a temporary table variable to hold the temporary data whilst it was being transformed.As this was now 20 million plus records it was a problem on it's own due to it's limitations.
This is a common SQL Performance bottleneck and one I have come across a few times now.
SQL's TABLE variables are very good for small datasets (a few hundred at most) and are very useful for array like usage within stored procedures. However when you move to large amounts of records they just become a performance nightmare.
Unlike proper temporary tables or fixed permanent tables you cannot add indexes to TABLE variables and with large record sizes this is usually a must. The constant table scans the process must have been having to do to find rows must have been a major cause of the slow performance.
I rewrote the stored proc to make use of a temporary table, added a clustered index on the columns I was using for my joins to the real table and I used a batch DELETE process using the TOP (@X) statement to remove old records.
This has sped the process up immensely but the automatic creation of indexes and creation and dropping of tables requires permissions higher than those that the website login I use for my site has.
Therefore to ensure everything ran smoothly I had to use the WITH EXECUTE AS 'login' statement to allow the user to impersonate a login with higher privileges.
A cut down example of the proc is below and it shows the following:
We recently moved our production system to SQL 2008. Everything seemed okay until we realised after a fortnight that a particular MS Agent job had not been completing correctly.
One of the steps within the job had been failing due to a missing SQL Login. This job transferred large amounts of data from daily tables to historical ones and a large backlog had now been created numbering in the tens of millions.
Due to the use of our batch delete process that removed data that had been transferred in small chunks (500 rows) to reduce locking the data had got to a stage where new records were being added almost as fast as we were removing them.
When I looked at the query that was doing the insert and then delete I saw that it was using a temporary table variable to hold the temporary data whilst it was being transformed.As this was now 20 million plus records it was a problem on it's own due to it's limitations.
This is a common SQL Performance bottleneck and one I have come across a few times now.
SQL's TABLE variables are very good for small datasets (a few hundred at most) and are very useful for array like usage within stored procedures. However when you move to large amounts of records they just become a performance nightmare.
Unlike proper temporary tables or fixed permanent tables you cannot add indexes to TABLE variables and with large record sizes this is usually a must. The constant table scans the process must have been having to do to find rows must have been a major cause of the slow performance.
I rewrote the stored proc to make use of a temporary table, added a clustered index on the columns I was using for my joins to the real table and I used a batch DELETE process using the TOP (@X) statement to remove old records.
This has sped the process up immensely but the automatic creation of indexes and creation and dropping of tables requires permissions higher than those that the website login I use for my site has.
Therefore to ensure everything ran smoothly I had to use the WITH EXECUTE AS 'login' statement to allow the user to impersonate a login with higher privileges.
A cut down example of the proc is below and it shows the following:
- Impersonating logins with higher permissions to allow for DDL statements e.g CREATE and DROP.
- Checking TEMP DB for existing temporary tables and indexes and dropping them if they exist.
- Deleting large numbers of records in batches to prevent blocking.
- Ensuring a SARGABLE where clause is used instead of DATEDIFF to get yesterdays data
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_sql_job_data_transfer]
@Success BIT = 0 OUTPUT,
@RowsCopied INT = 0 OUTPUT,
@RowsDeleted INT = 0 OUTPUT
WITH EXECUTE AS 'admin_user'
DECLARE @Stamp datetime,
@InsertDate datetime,
@TmpRows int,
@Rows int,
@RowsInserted int,
@error int
-- check for existance of old temp table, a local temp table wont persist but we may need to use a global one (Example usage)
IF object_id('tempdb..#JobHits') IS NOT NULL
-- drop it
-- create temp table
JobFK int,
Stamp Datetime,
ViewHits int,
SearchHits int
-- job runs after midnight and we want a SARGABLE WHERE clause
SELECT @Stamp = CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar,getdate(),23))
SELECT @TmpRows = 0, @RowsInserted = 0, @RowsDeleted = 0
-- insert into my temp table the search hits by date (SQL 2005)
-- if this proves to be still slow or causing blocks then try inserting in batches of 1000 OR 20 min chunks
(JobFK, Stamp, ViewHits, SearchHits)
SELECT JobFK, CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar,Stamp,23)),0, count(jobFk)
FROM JOBS_DATA with (nolock)
WHERE HitType = 'S'
AND Stamp < @Stamp
GROUP BY JobFK, CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar,Stamp,23))
SELECT @TmpRows = @@ROWCOUNT, @Error = @@ERROR
IF @Error <> 0
-- insert into my temp table view hits
(JobFK, Stamp, ViewHits, SearchHits)
SELECT JobFK, CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar,Stamp,23)),count(jobFk), 0
FROM JOBS_DATA with (nolock)
WHERE HitType = 'V' AND
Stamp < @Stamp -- SARGABLE WHERE CLAUSE - note I am not using DATEDIFF
GROUP BY JobFK, CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar,Stamp,23))
SELECT @TmpRows = @TmpRows + @@ROWCOUNT, @Error = @@ERROR
-- if an error occurred jump to the error handler
IF @Error <> 0
--If no error but no rows then its just a bad day for the site with no hits
ELSE IF @TmpRows = 0
-- add an index to aid lookups and searching
-- ensure no record exists already in Temp DB
IF object_id('tempdb..clidx_#JobHits') IS NOT NULL
DROP INDEX clidx_#JobHits ON #JobHits
-- Add a clustered index to help searching - cover the main join column JobFk and group by column Stamp
[JobFK] ASC,
[Stamp] ASC
-- join my temp table to the main table to get info about the company the job belonged to
(JobFk,Stamp,ViewHits, SearchHits, ClientFK)
SELECT a.JobFK, a.Stamp, Sum(a.ViewHits), Sum(a.SearchHits), j.ClientFK
FROM #JobHits as a
JOIN JOBS as j with (nolock)
ON a.JobFk = j.JobPK
GROUP BY a.JobFK, a.Stamp, j.ClientFk
SELECT @RowsInserted = @@rowcount, @error = @@ERROR
--if we are here then there must be > 0 rows otherwise we would have exited earlier
IF @RowsInserted=0 or @Error<>0
-- Now we have copied our data we need to delete it all from the daily table
-- as this table is being used by the site still we delete in batches to prevent blocking locks
SELECT @Rows = 1
-- loop until no more rows are left
WHILE @Rows > 0
-- delete data in table using the TOP command to ensure we only delete on our indexed column in batches
WHERE Stamp < @Stamp -- indexed column in JOBS_DATA
SELECT @Rows = @@ROWCOUNT, @RowsDeleted = @RowsDeleted + @Rows, @Error = @@ERROR
-- should i wait for a second in between batches? cannot find a definitive answer
-- if problems occur (which they haven't so far) then try this
--WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
IF @Error <> 0
--if no rows were deleted then something went pete tong
IF @RowsDeleted=0
-- clean up
-- add an index to aid lookups and searching (not sure if when table is dropped the index record remains or not so being safe - check this!)
IF object_id('tempdb..clidx_#JobHits') IS NOT NULL
-- drop our clustered index
DROP INDEX clidx_#JobHits ON #JobHits
IF object_id('tempdb..#JobHits') IS NOT NULL
-- drop our temp table
-- jump over error handler and exit
--handle error
SELECT @Success = 0
IF @FromProc = 0
SELECT @Success as success, COALESCE(@RowsCopied,0) as rowscopied,COALESCE(@RowsDeleted,0) as rowsDeleted
-- exit
--handle a successful exit
SELECT @Success = 1, @RowsCopied = @RowsInserted
-- exit
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Performance Tuning Tools for MySQL on LINUX
How to Performance Tune MySQL for Wordpress
Since I have been working a lot with Wordpress, PHP and Apache I have had to get used to the limitations of MySQL and the applications that are available to connect to MySQL databases such as Navicat or PHPMyAdmin.
As well as all the missing DML such as CTE's I really miss the very useful Data Management Views (DMV's) that has as they make optimising a database very easy and I have built up a large collection of SQL Server Performance Reports and tools to help me debug database performance issues.
Since working with Wordpress I have seen a lot of Plugins that use very poor SQL techniques and it seems most plugin authors that create their own tables in the Wordpress database don't even think about indexes that could increase performance of some very badly written SQL.
Having to sift through the slow query log and then run an EXPLAIN on each query is a time consuming job whereas setting up a scheduled job to monitor missing indexes and then list all suggestions is very easy to do in MSSQL with their Data Management Views (DMV's) that hold information about missing indexes, high cost queries, cached query plan re-use and much more.
My SQL Optimisation for Wordpress and LINUX
There are a number of tools available for performance tuning MySQL and I have listed a few below.
MySQLTuner is a Perl script that analyzes your MySQL performance and, based on the statistics it gathers, returns recommendations based on the ShowVariables SQL that you can adjust to increase performance.
One of the good things about having root access to your own LINUX server (VPS or dedicated) is the ability to SSH in and then load and install programs remotely with a few lines of code from the command prompt.
To load and run MySQLTuner.pl on your server do the following:
Change the directory to your program folder e.g:
cd /usr/bin
Load the tool in remotely with a WGET command e.g:
wget http://mysqltuner.pl/mysqltuner.pl
Change the permissions to make it executable e.g:
chmod +x mysqltuner.pl
Run the tool e.g
myhost:/usr/bin# /usr/bin/mysqltuner.pl
You should carefully read the output, especially the recommendations at the end.
It shows exactly which variables you could adjust in the [mysqld] section of your my.cnf (on Debian and Ubuntu the full path is /etc/mysql/my.cnf). but be careful as this is only advice and you should find out as much as you can before changing core configuration settings.
Whenever you change your my.cnf file, make sure that you restart MySQL with this command (or use your GUI)
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
You can then run MySQLTuner again to see if it has further recommendations to improve the MySQL performance.
Another tool of a similar nature is the MySQLReport tool which can be found at http://hackmysql.com.
Information can be found here about how to read and analyse the report that is produces from this link http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreportguide.
You can load it up remotely and build it on your server in a similar way making use of an HTTP tool like CURL or WGET etc:
You then call it by passing through the details of the system you want to analyse e.g:
mysqlreport --user root --host localhost --password mypsw100
In a similar way you will need to know how to analyse each section to make the neccessary changes and you can find out what each calculation result means here: http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreportdoc
Another good tool to use to find out what is going on in your database is MyTop. This is an application like Top that shows the current processes running on a server but for a MySQL database rather than the whole server. It does this by analysing the same data that SHOW PROCESSLIST would output.
You can obtain the code from http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/mytop/
Once loaded you call it from your command prompt like the other commands passing in the host, database and password as well as a refresh rate if you require it. I think it defaults to 5 seconds but I like to use 1 second which you can change by supplying a parameter for --s parameter e.g:
mytop --user root --password mypsw --db myDB --s 1
The results look like this with a header that shows how many queries have run per second as well as slow queries from the slow quert log.
Another method for those who don't have direct access into their LINUX server but only a control panel like CPANEL and use Wordpress for their website is my own Wordpress Plugin - the Strictly System Checker Plugin.
The Strictly System Checker is a Wordpress plugin that is designed to allow webmasters to monitor their site at regular intervals throughout the day and to be notified if the site goes down or experiences database problems or high server loads.
This plugin was not designed to be a replacement for professional server monitoring tools however it is a nice easy to use system that can aid webmasters in monitoring their Wordpress site as well as notifying the right person whenever the site is down or running into performance problems.
How it works
So whilst I feel the tools available for MySQL performance monitoring are lacking when compared with those available with SQL 2008 there are some that will enable you to get the job done. Hopefully this article has been helpful and if you have any tools of your own please add them to t the comment section.
Since I have been working a lot with Wordpress, PHP and Apache I have had to get used to the limitations of MySQL and the applications that are available to connect to MySQL databases such as Navicat or PHPMyAdmin.
As well as all the missing DML such as CTE's I really miss the very useful Data Management Views (DMV's) that has as they make optimising a database very easy and I have built up a large collection of SQL Server Performance Reports and tools to help me debug database performance issues.
Since working with Wordpress I have seen a lot of Plugins that use very poor SQL techniques and it seems most plugin authors that create their own tables in the Wordpress database don't even think about indexes that could increase performance of some very badly written SQL.
Having to sift through the slow query log and then run an EXPLAIN on each query is a time consuming job whereas setting up a scheduled job to monitor missing indexes and then list all suggestions is very easy to do in MSSQL with their Data Management Views (DMV's) that hold information about missing indexes, high cost queries, cached query plan re-use and much more.
My SQL Optimisation for Wordpress and LINUX
There are a number of tools available for performance tuning MySQL and I have listed a few below.
MySQLTuner is a Perl script that analyzes your MySQL performance and, based on the statistics it gathers, returns recommendations based on the ShowVariables SQL that you can adjust to increase performance.
One of the good things about having root access to your own LINUX server (VPS or dedicated) is the ability to SSH in and then load and install programs remotely with a few lines of code from the command prompt.
To load and run MySQLTuner.pl on your server do the following:
Change the directory to your program folder e.g:
cd /usr/bin
Load the tool in remotely with a WGET command e.g:
wget http://mysqltuner.pl/mysqltuner.pl
Change the permissions to make it executable e.g:
chmod +x mysqltuner.pl
Run the tool e.g
myhost:/usr/bin# /usr/bin/mysqltuner.pl
>> MySQLTuner 1.2.0 - Major Hayden>> Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at http://mysqltuner.com/ >> Run with '--help' for additional options and output filtering Please enter your MySQL administrative login: root Please enter your MySQL administrative password: -------- General Statistics -------------------------------------------------- [--] Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script [OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.0.51a-24+lenny5-log [OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture -------- Storage Engine Statistics ------------------------------------------- [--] Status: +Archive -BDB +Federated -InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster [--] Data in MyISAM tables: 419M (Tables: 98) [!!] Total fragmented tables: 9 -------- Security Recommendations ------------------------------------------- [OK] All database users have passwords assigned -------- Performance Metrics ------------------------------------------------- [--] Up for: 3d 3h 0m 33s (5M q [22.010 qps], 58K conn, TX: 102B, RX: 1B) [--] Reads / Writes: 87% / 13% [--] Total buffers: 314.0M global + 2.6M per thread (100 max threads) [OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 576.5M (55% of installed RAM) [OK] Slow queries: 1% (70K/5M) [OK] Highest usage of available connections: 16% (16/100) [OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 64.0M/196.8M [OK] Key buffer hit rate: 100.0% (18B cached / 5M reads) [OK] Query cache efficiency: 83.1% (4M cached / 5M selects) [!!] Query cache prunes per day: 61605 [OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0% (207 temp sorts / 356K sorts) [!!] Joins performed without indexes: 35147 [!!] Temporary tables created on disk: 44% (309K on disk / 690K total) [OK] Thread cache hit rate: 99% (329 created / 58K connections) [!!] Table cache hit rate: 13% (191 open / 1K opened) [OK] Open file limit used: 22% (231/1K) [OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (1M immediate / 1M locks) -------- Recommendations ----------------------------------------------------- General recommendations: Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance Adjust your join queries to always utilize indexes When making adjustments, make tmp_table_size/max_heap_table_size equal Reduce your SELECT DISTINCT queries without LIMIT clauses Increase table_cache gradually to avoid file descriptor limits Variables to adjust: query_cache_size (> 40M) join_buffer_size (> 128.0K, or always use indexes with joins) tmp_table_size (> 200M) max_heap_table_size (> 200M) table_cache (> 200)
You should carefully read the output, especially the recommendations at the end.
It shows exactly which variables you could adjust in the [mysqld] section of your my.cnf (on Debian and Ubuntu the full path is /etc/mysql/my.cnf). but be careful as this is only advice and you should find out as much as you can before changing core configuration settings.
Whenever you change your my.cnf file, make sure that you restart MySQL with this command (or use your GUI)
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
You can then run MySQLTuner again to see if it has further recommendations to improve the MySQL performance.
Another tool of a similar nature is the MySQLReport tool which can be found at http://hackmysql.com.
Information can be found here about how to read and analyse the report that is produces from this link http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreportguide.
You can load it up remotely and build it on your server in a similar way making use of an HTTP tool like CURL or WGET etc:
wget hackmysql.com/scripts/mysqlreport --2011-11-13 02:58:47-- http://hackmysql.com/scripts/mysqlreport Resolving hackmysql.com... Connecting to hackmysql.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 38873 (38K) [application/x-perl] Saving to: `mysqlreport' 100%[======================================>] 38,873 --.-K/s in 0.1s 2011-11-13 02:58:47 (254 KB/s) - `mysqlreport' saved [38873/38873]
Once loaded give the newly installed file execute permission with the following command chmod +x mysqlreport1.pl
You then call it by passing through the details of the system you want to analyse e.g:
mysqlreport --user root --host localhost --password mypsw100
MySQL 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 uptime 3 3:21:16 Sun Nov 13 03:04:11 2011 __ Key _________________________________________________________________ Buffer used 52.33M of 64.00M %Used: 81.76 Current 61.15M %Usage: 95.55 Write hit 99.96% Read hit 99.97% __ Questions ___________________________________________________________ Total 5.96M 22.0/s QC Hits 4.60M 17.0/s %Total: 77.25 DMS 1.07M 3.9/s 17.97 Com_ 226.52k 0.8/s 3.80 COM_QUIT 58.22k 0.2/s 0.98 +Unknown 408 0.0/s 0.01 Slow (2) 70.43k 0.3/s 1.18 %DMS: 6.58 Log: ON DMS 1.07M 3.9/s 17.97 SELECT 935.60k 3.4/s 15.70 87.35 UPDATE 127.41k 0.5/s 2.14 11.90 INSERT 7.63k 0.0/s 0.13 0.71 DELETE 450 0.0/s 0.01 0.04 REPLACE 0 0/s 0.00 0.00 Com_ 226.52k 0.8/s 3.80 set_option 169.55k 0.6/s 2.84 change_db 56.71k 0.2/s 0.95 optimize 91 0.0/s 0.00 __ SELECT and Sort _____________________________________________________ Scan 68.94k 0.3/s %SELECT: 7.37 Range 42.09k 0.2/s 4.50 Full join 35.21k 0.1/s 3.76 Range check 0 0/s 0.00 Full rng join 0 0/s 0.00 Sort scan 300.33k 1.1/s Sort range 56.97k 0.2/s Sort mrg pass 207 0.0/s __ Query Cache _________________________________________________________ Memory usage 36.03M of 40.00M %Used: 90.07 Block Fragmnt 10.04% Hits 4.60M 17.0/s Inserts 842.73k 3.1/s Insrt:Prune 4.33:1 2.4/s Hit:Insert 5.46:1 __ Table Locks _________________________________________________________ Waited 1.44k 0.0/s %Total: 0.08 Immediate 1.77M 6.5/s __ Tables ______________________________________________________________ Open 200 of 200 %Cache: 100.00 Opened 1.54k 0.0/s __ Connections _________________________________________________________ Max used 16 of 100 %Max: 16.00 Total 58.52k 0.2/s __ Created Temp ________________________________________________________ Disk table 310.39k 1.1/s Table 381.99k 1.4/s Size: 200.0M File 431 0.0/s __ Threads _____________________________________________________________ Running 1 of 1 Cached 7 of 8 %Hit: 99.44 Created 329 0.0/s Slow 3 0.0/s __ Aborted _____________________________________________________________ Clients 588 0.0/s Connects 17 0.0/s __ Bytes _______________________________________________________________ Sent 102.63G 378.3k/s Received 1.95G 7.2k/s __ InnoDB Buffer Pool __________________________________________________ Usage 0 of 0 %Used: 0.00 Read hit 0.00% Pages Free 0 %Total: 0.00 Data 0 0.00 %Drty: 0.00 Misc 0 0.00 Latched 0 0.00 Reads 0 0/s From file 0 0/s 0.00 Ahead Rnd 0 0/s Ahead Sql 0 0/s Writes 0 0/s Flushes 0 0/s Wait Free 0 0/s __ InnoDB Lock _________________________________________________________ Waits 0 0/s Current 0 Time acquiring Total 0 ms Average 0 ms Max 0 ms __ InnoDB Data, Pages, Rows ____________________________________________ Data Reads 0 0/s Writes 0 0/s fsync 0 0/s Pending Reads 0 Writes 0 fsync 0 Pages Created 0 0/s Read 0 0/s Written 0 0/s Rows Deleted 0 0/s Inserted 0 0/s Read 0 0/s Updated 0 0/s
In a similar way you will need to know how to analyse each section to make the neccessary changes and you can find out what each calculation result means here: http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreportdoc
Another good tool to use to find out what is going on in your database is MyTop. This is an application like Top that shows the current processes running on a server but for a MySQL database rather than the whole server. It does this by analysing the same data that SHOW PROCESSLIST would output.
You can obtain the code from http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/mytop/
Once loaded you call it from your command prompt like the other commands passing in the host, database and password as well as a refresh rate if you require it. I think it defaults to 5 seconds but I like to use 1 second which you can change by supplying a parameter for --s parameter e.g:
mytop --user root --password mypsw --db myDB --s 1
The results look like this with a header that shows how many queries have run per second as well as slow queries from the slow quert log.
MySQL on localhost (5.0.51a-24+lenny5-log) up 3+03:48:10 [03:31:05] Queries: 5.7M qps: 22 Slow: 0.0 Se/In/Up/De(%): 77/00/00/00 qps now: 2 Slow qps: 0.0 Threads: 3 ( 3/ 5) 00/00/00/00 Key Efficiency: 100.0% Bps in/out: 0.0/ 0.6 Now in/out: 41.2/10.0k Id User Host/IP DB Time Cmd Query or State -- ---- ------- -- ---- --- ---------- 58766 root localhost strictly 0 Query show full processlist 58772 darkpolit localhost strictly 1 Query select CONCAT('http://www.strictly 58771 strictly localhost strictly 4 Query select CONCAT('http://www.strictly
Another method for those who don't have direct access into their LINUX server but only a control panel like CPANEL and use Wordpress for their website is my own Wordpress Plugin - the Strictly System Checker Plugin.
The Strictly System Checker is a Wordpress plugin that is designed to allow webmasters to monitor their site at regular intervals throughout the day and to be notified if the site goes down or experiences database problems or high server loads.
This plugin was not designed to be a replacement for professional server monitoring tools however it is a nice easy to use system that can aid webmasters in monitoring their Wordpress site as well as notifying the right person whenever the site is down or running into performance problems.
How it works
- A CRON / WebCron job initiates an HTTP request to check whether the site can be accessed.
- The system will check for the Error establishing a database connection error message as well as searching for an optional piece of text which can help indicate whether the page has loaded correctly.
- If the error is found or the text cannot be found then a connection to the database is attempted.
- If successful a CHECK and REPAIR is carried out on any tables that maybe corrupted.
- An option exists to also check for fragmented tables and an OPTIMIZE command is carried out to fix any found.
- An SQL report is carried out to report on some key performance indicators such as the number of connections, queries, reads, writes and more.
- A report is carried out on the webserver to look at the current server load average and if it's above a specified threshold a report to the site administrator can be triggered.
- A similar check is carried out on the database to ensure that there are no slow running queries or the connection limit hasn't been reached.
- If problems are found an email is then sent to the site administrator with details of the report.
System Report: 2011-11-13 04:07:07 Initiating System Report... Initiating an HTTP request to http://www.strictly-software.com The HTTP request to http://www.strictly-software.com took 0 second(s) to respond and returned a status code of 200 The specified search text [read more] was found within the HTTP response The server load is currently 0.48 The server load is okay MySQL has been running for: 26 days 4 hours 18 mins 48 secs Total Connections: 467253 - Aborted: 0 - Connections Per Hour 743 Total Queries: 21592142 - Queries / Per Hour 34365 Joins without indexes: 0 - Joins without indexes Per Hour 0 Total Reads: 4819507 (88%) - Total Writes 630029 (12%) The system is currently configured to accept a maximum of 100 database connections At the time of reporting the database was running 3 query The current database load is 3% The database load is okay Initiating a check for fragmented tables and indexes Optimized table: wp_options Optimized table: wp_postmeta Completed check for fragmented tables and indexes The system report has completed all its tests successfully. Report Completed At 2011-11-13 04:07:07 Strictly Software Plugins for Wordpress
So whilst I feel the tools available for MySQL performance monitoring are lacking when compared with those available with SQL 2008 there are some that will enable you to get the job done. Hopefully this article has been helpful and if you have any tools of your own please add them to t the comment section.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Error copying tables importing or exporting the Geography or Geometry data type in SQL 2008
Error importing and exporting the Geometry and Geography data types in SQL 2008
Today I had to make some work live that involved copying a database containing UK Postcodes and their related geo-location data to another SQL 2008 server.
The table contained a list of all UK Postcodes as well as their longitude and latitude and a GeoLocation column that was based on the new SQL 2008 DataType Geography.
However when I tried to use the Import/Export wizard to copy the data I got to the Review Data Type Mapping page and was met with the following error message.
Found 1 unknown column type conversion(s) You are only allowed to save the package.

Viewing the full error details revealed that the problem was down to SQL not understanding the Geography data type in the table I wanted to export.
The full error message details are below:
First of all I checked that the database compatibility mode was set to 100 (SQL 2008) and not 90 (SQL 2005) and once I had confirmed both databases were the correct format I checked the mapping conversion XML file on the server I was doing the import from.
This XML mapping file is located at the following path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles\MSSQLToSSIS10.XML.
On opening the file I could see that there was no mention of the geography OR geometry data types which explained why the DTS package wizard could not carry out the operation.
To fix this I copied one of the other similar data types (varbinary) and re-inserted it into the file twice before changing the names to Geography and Geometry.
You can just copy and paste the following XML into the file.
Save the MSSQLToSSIS10.XML file and you should now be able to import or export a table that contains the datatypes geography and geometry.
If for some reason after editing the file it still doesn't work, try the following:
Today I had to make some work live that involved copying a database containing UK Postcodes and their related geo-location data to another SQL 2008 server.
The table contained a list of all UK Postcodes as well as their longitude and latitude and a GeoLocation column that was based on the new SQL 2008 DataType Geography.
However when I tried to use the Import/Export wizard to copy the data I got to the Review Data Type Mapping page and was met with the following error message.
Found 1 unknown column type conversion(s) You are only allowed to save the package.

Viewing the full error details revealed that the problem was down to SQL not understanding the Geography data type in the table I wanted to export.
The full error message details are below:
[Source Information] Source Location : (local) Source Provider : SQLNCLI10 Table: [dbo].[Country] Column: CountryGeography Column Type: geography SSIS Type: (Type unknown ...) Mapping file (to SSIS type): C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles\MSSQLToSSIS10.XML [Destination Information] Destination Location : (local) Destination Provider : SQLNCLI10 Table: [dbo].[Country] Column: CountryGeography Column Type: geography SSIS Type: (Type unknown ...) Mapping file (to SSIS type): C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles\MSSQLToSSIS10.XML [Conversion Steps] Conversion unknown ... SSIS conversion file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\binn\DtwTypeConversion.xml
First of all I checked that the database compatibility mode was set to 100 (SQL 2008) and not 90 (SQL 2005) and once I had confirmed both databases were the correct format I checked the mapping conversion XML file on the server I was doing the import from.
This XML mapping file is located at the following path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles\MSSQLToSSIS10.XML.
On opening the file I could see that there was no mention of the geography OR geometry data types which explained why the DTS package wizard could not carry out the operation.
To fix this I copied one of the other similar data types (varbinary) and re-inserted it into the file twice before changing the names to Geography and Geometry.
You can just copy and paste the following XML into the file.
<!-- geography -->
<dtm:DataTypeMapping >
<!-- geometry -->
<dtm:DataTypeMapping >
Save the MSSQLToSSIS10.XML file and you should now be able to import or export a table that contains the datatypes geography and geometry.
If for some reason after editing the file it still doesn't work, try the following:
- restarting the SQL Server service on the server you are running the export/import wizard from.
- restarting your own SQL Server Client Tools.
- If you are running a 64bit version of Windows 7 like I am then you might need to also edit the same file in the 32 bit Program folder e.g C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles\MSSQLToSSIS10.XML.
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