Sunday 23 August 2015

Web Developing - My 10 Golden Rules For Developers

Ten Golden Rules for any Web Developer

When you have developed code for a living for the best part of 18 years you soon come up with a list of rules that help keep you sane and prepare you for the next disastrous project coming your way.

As Bismark said - "The wise man learns from the mistakes of others."

So, don't learn from your own mistakes, try and get it right first time.

Here are my own little rules to help you from learning from your own mistakes.

1. Always add comments.

The more comments the better. There is nothing worse than coming back to a bit of complicated code you or someone else wrote years ago and have no idea why they wrote it that way.

Comments can always be stripped before roll out but on a development system they are a life saver especially if you have had to do something out of the ordinary because of some uncommon situation.

2. Format your code.

Proper indentation and casing is most definitely above cleanliness when compared to Godliness.

Not only does it make the code easier to read but it looks better and prevents developers with mild OCD from stressing out and having to spend too much time re-formatting before they can even help you debug that mess you call work.

3. Don't re-develop the wheel.

Having said that don't put up with someone else's flat tyres.

People use libraries because it saves them time but every library has an author and no-one is infallible. The benefits to using your own code is that you know how every line works and can fix bugs immediately. I have not yet come across a 3rd party library that didn't have at least one major flaw and there is a reason new libraries constantly appear in the first place.

Not only will you learn more by writing your own code but you won't have to rely on someone else to fix it all when it goes wrong.

4. Cherish the anally retentive customer.

Whilst anally retentive customers may seem like a pain in the behind in reality you should cherish the fact that they actually know what they want (see point 5).

A customer that knows exactly what he wants up front and is prepared to sign off a spec and keep to it is a rare occurrence and you should be prepared to put up with their constant emails and calls during development.

You should do this because you know that once you have delivered everything they want - even if it looks like a bag of shite and acts like a bag of shite. If it was a bag of shite that they really really wanted in the first place then it will be your bag of shite that makes them happy and brings home the bacon.

A happy customer is one that doesn't ring you constantly months after the live date asking for little changes and wondering if they just have X, Y and Z all for free because they didn't think ahead earlier.

5. Most customers know Jack

The majority of customers will know next to nothing about the system they want and expect you to know how their business is run.

Getting a properly defined spec out of some customers is harder than milking a male cow.

Customers will give you definites and then complain about the lack of flexibility.

They will expect gold plating but only want to pay for metallic.

They will expect you to see into the future and know their business requirements and have them programmed before they do.

You should be prepared for this by building in ultimate flexibility at the earliest opportunity so that when they eventually change their minds you don't have to re-develop their system from the ground up.

6. Ignore No and plan for Yes

When you ask your boss if the system you are working on needs to do X and he says categorically NO. Be prepared for him to change his mind a month or two down the line when the next sale depends on that feature.

Sales people don't care how long it took you to develop something or how hard it was to develop it. All they care about is getting their next commission.

Be prepared to spend months developing features that are used purely for selling a product rather than for their usefulness. Take that opportunity to develop said feature in a new language or use the opportunity to learn a new API and incorporate it into your code. Even if the feature isn't used at least you have learnt a new skill for your CV.

7. Automate, automate, automate.

There is nothing worse as a developer spending time doing all the monotonous tasks like building Class structures, input forms and CRUD stored procs when you could be working on a cool widget, stealthy scraper or funky functionality that actually engages your mind.

For this reason you should automate the CRUD so you can spend your time on the interesting work. There are many tools available to automate code outlines based on database structures and if you always code to a template you should be able to rattle off the basics quickly so that your time is better spent on the interesting aspects of a project.

8. A Metro with a Ferrari engine still looks like a Metro. A Ferrari with a Metro engine still pulls the birds.

Most end users, customers and bosses don't care about the cleverness of your code or how many lines you have had to write to make that balloon go pop. All they care about is how the site looks.

Front end's matter because that's the part the user sees, whereas back-ends are important because they make it all work. However good the database, business logic and code is under the covers if the front end looks like a four year old's first drawing then no-one will care.

In the same way as a sales person takes all the money from your hard work. Your high performing, code wise back end is just the engine that props up the front end that everyone looks at and goes "ooh isn't that nice". OR more importantly makes them decide that your site is rubbish purely because it looks bad.

Remember you could have the best code in the world but if it has a crap design people won't appreciate it.

9. Be prepared to be unappreciated and under paid.

Sales people and bosses will milk your talent to enrich themselves whilst giving you platitudes and praise but keeping the hard cash for themselves.

Making good money from web development is very hard unless you come up with the newest idea that Google might purchase down the road or work for big well paying company.

It's very easy to steal code from the web and with open source it's increasingly hard to make good money when people are throwing their code around for free in the hope that someone likes it enough to pay them for an upgrade or support.

10. Learn to code for fun.

If you don't enjoy coding then you won't be prepared to put the spare time in to make your own projects on the side. No-one ever got rich working for someone else but being able to give up your job to work on your code is impossible unless you have money to back your work. Being able to code for pleasure makes working on your own projects in your spare time a whole lot easier.

Those are my top 10 tips for helping you get through life as a web developer. If you have your own tips please respond using the comment section.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Turning off Windows 10 Privacy Features

Turning off Windows 10 Privacy Features

By Strictly-Software 

If you are like me and on Windows 8.1 then you will probably be constantly bombarded by messages from Microsoft about how you can obtain a free upgrade to Windows 10.

However before you upgrade you should beware of all the security and privacy concerns people have about this operation system.

With a little research it is well known that Microsoft have a close relationship with the US security services such as the CIA / NSA.

They have even bought up businesses such as Skype to prevent having to hack in back doors when they can instead have a wide open front door for all your personnal traffic, calls and texts.

As the video states.

This is a quick guide to fixing privacy concerns in Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system. 

The default settings and applications with Windows 10 have numerous security flaws, privacy problems, keystroke monitors installed and turned on by default.

This guide will help you fix the problems in a simple way.

Be sure to read this article as it will explain all the security holes in detail if you want more information on what Microsoft are monitoring and why.

However this quick overview video should help you on the way.

By Strictly-Software

© 2015 Strictly-Software