Wednesday 16 February 2022

Blogger EU Cookie Message Missing Problem & Solution

My EU Cookie Message Disappeared From My Site - How To Get It Back

By Strictly-Software

I had a bit of a weird experience recently, I found out, only from Google informing me, that for some reason one of my Blogger sites was not showing the EU Cookie Notice that should appear on all Blogger sites if in a European country where "Consent to use Cookies", is required by all website users.

It used to show, and my other blogger sites were still working and in fact, on my own PC, it was still showing the correct message e.g:

"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to detect and address abuse."

However, when I viewed the site Google had told me about on another PC this was not appearing for some reason. 

I cleared all the cookies, path, domain, and session using the Web Extension called "Web Developer Toolbar", such as this Chrome version. After installing it, a grey cog appears in your toolbar if you fix it to. 

It is really helpful for turning password fields into text, if you want to see what you are typing, or need to see a Browser stored password in the field, or as needed in this instance, for deleting all kinds of Cookies. So after deleting all the Cookies, I refreshed the page and but the EU Cookie Message still didn't show.

Fixing Blogger Cookie Notice Not Showing

If you view the source of a blogger site that is showing the EU Cookie message, then you should find the following code in your source, not generated source, but the standard "View Source" options when you right-click on the page and view the context menu.

The following code should be just above the footer where all your widget scripts are loaded. Notice that I put some HTML comments above my version of the code so I could easily identify it from Bloggers version in the DOM when viewing the source. Why do this if Bloggers code is not in the source anyway? Wait and see.

<!-- this is my code as bloggers only appear in the source sometimes -->
<script defer='' src='/js/cookienotice.js'></script>
 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
      window.cookieChoices && cookieChoices.showCookieConsentBar && cookieChoices.showCookieConsentBar(
          (window.cookieOptions && cookieOptions.msg) || 'This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to detect and address abuse.',
          (window.cookieOptions && cookieOptions.close) || 'Ok',
          (window.cookieOptions && cookieOptions.learn) || 'Learn more',
          (window.cookieOptions && || '');

So to fix the issue, copy the code out of the page and then go to your layout tool in Blogger. Add a widget at the bottom if no JavaScript/Text widget already exists and copy the code into it.

Now the odd thing is that as soon as I saved the widget and then my blogger site. I went to the website having issues and viewed the source code. When I did I saw that not only was my version of the code was in the HTML, but somehow this had put Bloggers own version back into the HTML as well!

Why this would do that I have no idea. However, it meant that I now had two lots of the same script being loaded and 2 lots of the EU Cookie code that shows the DIV and the options for wording appearing in my HTML.

The good thing though, is that this did not cause a problem for my site. I found by adding that code into a widget at the bottom of my page above Bloggers magically re-appearing code, that it did NOT cause the message to appear twice, but also that when I removed my own version of the code, the Blogger version remained.

Also even though I have put in a version of the Blogger code that uses English sentences into the HTML when I use a Proxy or VPN to visit a European country such as Germany, the wording appears in German.

I suspect that my code runs first as it's first in the DOM, then the Google code runs, overwriting my DIV with their DIV and of course the correct wording for the country we are in.

So as I thought everything was working, I removed my own code and saved the site. I then went to it, deleted path, domain, and session cookies, and then refreshed the page again and saw the blogger cookie code running okay. When viewing the source I could see that my code had gone but the blogger code was now still in the HTML, whereas it wasn't before.


After a few hours when I came back to the computer which had not been showing the message and I re-checked by clearing all cookies (path, domain and session), and saw that Bloggers code had disappeared again, and the message was now not showing again!

Why this has happened I do not know as I had not re-saved the Blogger site in question during the time away so I have no idea what caused the Blogger EU Code to disappear again

There really should be an option in settings to force the Cookie compliance code to be inserted but as there isn't the answer seems to be to just leave your version of the cookie code in the HTML source in a widget at the bottom of the layout.

Why this works without causing issues I have no idea and it sounds like a bodge which it is, but as I cannot find any real answers to this problem online, or in Googles KB, I had to come up with a solution that worked to comply with Google's request and this seems to do it.

So the fact that when you have two lots of the same code in your HTML does NOT cause the message to appear twice is a good thing. This means that even if the original code re-appears then you are okay, and if it doesn't then your own code, which is a direct copy of the blogger code, runs instead. 

Also as your code runs first, if it is causing Bloggers code to also re-appear in the HTML then that will run afterwards ensuring the correct European language is shown in the message.

You can view the JavaScript which is loaded in by Blogger by just appending /js/cookienotice.js to any blogger site e.g this one, You can then see the functions and HTML they use to show the DIV. You can also see at the top the ID's and Classes they put on the Cookie Message DIV.

So if you want to check which version of the EU Cookie code is running when both sets of JavaScript exist, you could add a bit of code underneath that checks for the Cookie DIV on display, and add some CSS to target cookieChoicesInfo, which is the ID of the DIV that is shown and you could change the background colour of the DIV to see if it is your DIV or Bloggers DIV that appears.

For example, you could put this under your JavaScript code to change the background colour of the DIV with the following code.

	background-color: green !important;

Obviously green is a horrible colour for a background, but it easily stands out. When I did this I saw a Green DIV appear with the message in the correct language displayed, despite my EU options having English as the language for all the wording. 

This is because our code to load the script, and the cookie options into the page runs first, before any Blogger code that appears lower down in the HTML / DOM. When that Blogger code does run, it overwrites the DIV and the wording in the correct European language.

If you right-click on the DIV and choose "inspect" then the Developer Console will appear and you will be able to see that your style to change the background colour is being used on the Cookie message DIV. 

As it's a CSS style block with !important after the style, when the Blogger code overwrites the DIV and wording, the style for the background colour of the DIV is still being determined by our CSS Style block.

So the answer if your EU Cookie Compliance Message disappears is to add your own copy of their code into the site through a widget. 

This shouldn't cause any problems due to any duplicate DIV overwriting your DIV and if it disappears again then at least your version remains.

I just don't understand two things.

1. Why did the Cookie code disappear in the first place?

2. Why did the Blogger code re-appear when I added my own version of Bloggers own EU Cookie message code into the HTML and then why did it dissapear again a couple of hours? 

If anyone can answer these questions then please let me know. A search inside Googles Adsense site does not reveal any useful answers at all.

People just suggest adding query strings to your URL to force it to appear which is no good if your site is linked to from various Search Engines and other sites. Or to just delete all the cookies and refresh the page. 

These are two useless suggestions, and the only thing that seems to work for me is the solution I came up with above. So if you have the same problem try this solution.

By Strictly-Software

Thursday 3 February 2022

Testing For The Brave Browser

How Can We Test For Brave?

By Strictly-Software

The problem with detecting the Brave browser which I use most of the time is that it hides as Chrome and doesn't have its own user agent. It used to, and the hope is that in the future it will again but at the moment it just shows a Chrome user-agent. 

For example, my latest Brave user-agent is:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.99 Safari/537.36

It also apparently used to have a property on the windows object window.Brave which is no longer there anymore. I have read many articles on StackOverflow about detecting Brave and all the various methods that apparently used to work don't anymore due to objects and properties such as and window.googletag no longer exists on the windows object.

As these posts were not written that long ago it seems that there have been a lot of changes on the window object by Chrome / Google / Brave etc. So when writing your own function as I did it is worth outputting all the keys on the window object first to see what is there and what isn't e.g.

const keys = Object.keys(window);

This just outputs all the keys such as events, other objects like document and navigator, and properties as well into the developer tools console area that all modern browsers have.

As Brave, Edge, Opera and Chrome are all based on the same Chromium browser they are basically the same standard-compliant browsers.

Remember we should always use feature detection rather than user-agent parsing to choose whether or not to do something in JavaScript but it is amazing when using a user-agent switcher how many modern-day sites break when I change a standards-compliant browsers agent string to IE 6 for example.

If the coder wrote their code properly it wouldn't matter if I changed the latest version of Chromes user-agent to IE 6 or even IE 4 or Netscape Navigator 4, all sites should work perfectly as instead of doing old school tests like

isIe = document.all;
isNet = document.layers;

And then branching off those two as we did in the old days of scripting which led to browsers like Opera which no one catered for, having to support both IE and Netscape event handlers and pretending to not exist. However, they did eventually add the Opera property to the window object so if you really wanted to find it you could just test for:

  alert("This is Opera");

However, this no longer exists and Opera uses the same WebKit Chromium base as all the other modern browsers apart from Firefox.

Also, remember that the issue with JavaScript is that every object can be overwritten or modified, that is why we have user-agent switchers in the first place because they can, and do overwrite and change the window.navigator object.

Therefore if you are really pedantic there is NO real way to test if anything is real in JavaScript as a plugin or injected script could have added properties to the Window object such as changing the user-agent or adding a property another browser uses to the window so that tests for fail in FireFox because you have created a property FireFox detects.

There are loads of ifs and buts and we can discuss the best approach all day due to injected code and extensions overwriting objects or accidental setting of objects by forgetting to do == and accidentally setting a variable or object with a single = by mistake, but let's answer the question,

I have read a lot about people trying to detect Brave and a lot of old objects on the Chrome browser like and window.googletag that no longer exist or even window.Brave which apparently existed on the window object at one stage. 

Why might you want to even detect Brave if it is a standards-compliant Browser and you are doing feature detection and not user-agent sniffing anyway you might ask? 

Well good question, if you are writing your code properly you shouldn't ever need to know what Browser the code is running in as it will work whatever the user is running your web page in due to proper use of feature detection. 

However, you may have a site that wants to direct people to the right extension depository or download the correct add-on. Therefore to make the user comfortable in their decision you might want to show that you know what browser the user has so that they are happy downloading the add-on. 

Or there might be a myriad of other reasons such as asking users to update their browser due to an exploit that has been discovered or to ask old people still using IE6 to upgrade to a modern browser. Also if you want them to use one that removes cookies, trackers, and adverts, and is security conscious, you may want to direct non-Brave users to the Brave download page.

Therefore the function I have come up with tries to future proof by hoping Brave does put its name into the user-agent at some point, and it checks for the existence of properties in objects such as the window or navigator object.

You can put all your complaints and ideas for improving this function for detecting Brave in the comments section and maybe we can come up with a better solution.

// pass or don't pass in a user-agent if none is passed in it will get the current navigator agent
function IsBrave(ua){
	var isBrave = false;
	ua = (ua === null || ua === undefined) ? ua = window.navigator.userAgent : ua;

	ua = ua.toLowerCase();

	// make sure it's not Mozilla
	if("mozInnerScreenX" in window){		
		return isBrave;
		// everything in JavaScript is over writable we could do this to pass the next test 
		// but then where would we stop as every object even window/navigator can be overwritten or changed...?
		// window.webkitStorageInfo = "mozilla";

		// make sure its chrome and webkit
		if("chrome" in window && "webkitStorageInfo" in window){
			// it looks like Chrome and has webkit
			if("brave" in navigator && "isBrave" in navigator.brave){
				isBrave = true;
			// test for Brave another way the way the framwwork Prototype checks for it
			}else if( == '[object Brave]'){
				isBrave = true;			
			// have they put brave back in window object like they used to
			}else if("Brave" in window){
				isBrave = true;			
			// hope one day they put brave into the user-agent
			}else if(ua.indexOf("brave") > -1){
				isBrave = true;
			// make sure there is no mention of Opera or Edge in UA
			}else if(/chrome|crios/.test(ua) && /edge?|opera|opr\//.test(ua) && !navigator.brave){
				isBrave = false;			

		return isBrave;

Of course if you really didn't want all these fallback tests and hope that Brave will sort their own user-agent out in the future or re-add a property to the window object as they apparently used to then you could just do something like this:
var w=window,n=w.navigator; // shorten key objects
let isBrave = !("mozInnerScreenX" in w) && ("chrome" in w && "webkitStorageInfo" in w && "brave" in n && "isBrave" in n.brave) ? true : false;

Just to show you that it works here is the "Browser" test page I keep on all my Browser's bookmark bars, written using just JavaScript with some AJAX calls and my own functions which lets me see the following info:
  • My Current IPv4 address by calling a URL that only returns IPv4.
  • My Current IPv6 address by calling a URL that will return one if I am using one, otherwise it converts the IPv4 into an IPv6 address format. Obviously, this is not my real IPv6 address as if I had one it would be returned it is just the IPv4 address converted into IPv6 format.
  • The UserAgent that the browser is showing me, this may be spoofed if a user-agent switcher is being used.
  • The real User-Agent if a spoofed user-agent is being used by a user-agent switcher extension/add-on.
  • The spoofed Browser Name.
  • The real Browser name.
  • Whether a user-agent switcher was detected. I have my own which does both the Request Header as well as overwriting the window.navigator object with different agents details. It creates a copy of the original navigator object so I can output it as well as the spoofed version.
  • An output of the current window.navigator object, if a user-agent switcher was used it will show the overwritten navigator object.
  • An output of the original window.navigator object if my own user-agent switcher was used then I create a copy of the same navigator string displayed for the current navigator object so both the spoofed and real navigator objects are outputted.
  • A script that loads in info about my location based on my IP address e.g: Town, County, Country, ISP, Hostname, Longitude, and Latitude.

Example Browser Test Output

If you look at this image, double click to open bigger if you need to, although it won't show you all the ISP & Location info at the bottom, it will show you the user-agents, both spoofed and real, as well as the spoofed browser and the real browser, which my custom function detects from either just a user-agent string or with the IsBrave() function I outputted above.

You can see here that although the user-agent strings are exactly the same my code that detects the browser has correctly recognised the real browser as Brave by using the function this article is about and for the spoofed Browser name it shows Chrome, which is the browser Brave tries to mask itself as.

This handy little script is on all my browsers bookmark bars for easy access and I find it very helpful for quickly seeing if a user-agent switcher is enabled and what if any, my browser it is pretending to be, as well as my current GEO-IP location in case I am using a global VPN, TOR, Opera or a proxy.

Let me know what you think of this function tested in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge and of course Brave.

By Strictly-Software