Sunday 14 September 2008

My growing love for Javascript

A shaky start to the love affair

I have no shame in admitting that I am currently in love with JavaScript. It may be that for the last eon or two I have been working with clunky old scripting languages such as ASP classic and whenever I get a chance to do some JavaScript I grab it with open arms as an opportunity to do what seems like proper programming. I will be the first to admit that I never used to see JavaScript in the way I do now and as well as never understanding its full potential I never even thought of it as a proper object orientated language which it most certainly is. When I first swapped over from client / server applications in the early 90's to web development using ASP/COM/SQL Server 6 JavaScript was just a nice little scripting language that could set the focus of inputs, validate input client side and other little tweaks that didn't seem of much importance in the grand scheme of things. The "proper" coding was done server side and I would have traded my ciggies by the dozen with anyone to work on a stored procedure or COM component than have to fiddle round with a scripting language that I had little time or patience for.

Coming from a VB background I hated the problems of case sensitivity and having to remember that equality tests involved more than one equals sign, sometimes even three. Trying to debug a script was always a nightmare having to sit there clicking away all those alert boxes before realising you were in some sort of never ending loop and having to kill the browser and start again. Yes I really didn't think much of it and I am certainly not alone in feeling like that.

The love that grew from necessity.

So over the years my views on JavaScript changed from hatred to a mild respect still outweighed by all the annoyances that come with trying to write a fully functional script that is complex and cross browser at the same time. I still didn't have to work with it that much apart from replicating any server side form validation on the client and some mild DOM manipulation. My annoyance with the language itself had disappeared after I had learnt Java and C# and the scripts that I did have to knock out were not that complex however I still had an attitude that if it worked in the browser that I was using which was always the latest version of Internet Explorer then the script was fine by me. If it didn't work in Netscape or Safari then I would just ask the office "Javascript Guru" to have a look and the code I was given usually seemed to work even if I didn't know what it was doing. Then the other year I wanted to implement a WYSIWYG editor for the system I was working on. The system was currently using the FCKEditor and I wanted to implement what seemed like a simple request at the time a character counter so that as the user typed the number of characters used in the HTML source was available for viewing. I remember trying to edit the FCK source and realising what a huge beast it was. The size of its directory was ten times the size of the rest of the site. I was sure that half the code and possible functionality was not required for my systems requirements. I had a look at some other widgets including OpenWYSIWYG and another one that our Javascript guru had used and then I decided to write my own combining the best bits of each, stripping out anything not needed, adding my bullet counter and making it as flexible as possible. It seemed like a straight forward task on paper but it was the start of a painstaking development but more importantly it was the start of a long learning process which although extremely painful at the time opened my eyes to the wonders of cross browser coding and all the different caveats and pitfalls that were waiting for me to discover.

Items of interest discovered along the way.

Whilst developing this widget some of the most seemingly simple things turned out to be some of the most complex. Who would have thought just putting a cursor at the end of any content in the IFrame editor would be such a tall order. So as well as learning far too much about browser differences and the history of Netscape and Mozilla and why User-Agents seem to make little sense I found out some very important information and came across some specific problems that everyone comes across at some stage when developing cross browser script.

1. How Firefox is indeed a wonderful invention with all those extensions especially Firebug which made my debugging life pain free once again. Not only that but Firebug lite brings most of that joy to debugging in IE. No more tired fingers from closing alert buttons.

2. The problems with relative URIs displayed within Iframes in Internet Explorer. Read this article for an explanation. The solution was to write out the Iframe content with document.write.

3. Different implementations of content editable HTML between browsers. Issues setting design mode on in Mozilla and disappearing event listeners. All good fun for the clueless I can assure you.

4. All the fun involved in learning about the event model and the problem of "this" keyword in IE as well as the memory leakage in older IE versions and the illogical ordering IE fires events in.

5. Differences between browsers when trying to calculate the size of the viewport and window dimensions for making my editor appear in a floating div.

6. Trying to make the content outputted by the editor as consistent as possible across browsers and XHTML compliant. IE seems to love capital letters and forgetting to close LI and DT elements for some reason.

7. Much much more.

So as you can see if you have yourself covered all those topics in detail, which means you will most certainly have read Dead Edwards competition blog article from start to finish as well as follow most of the links it leads to, this is a lot of information to take in and understand. However rather than put me off JavaScript for life its actually made me come to love the bloody thing.


So whereas in the 90's I used to hate all those cross browser problems they are more of a challenge to be overcome now and I love it when I get a complicated piece of code working in the main 4 browsers as well as many old versions as possible. In fact I may get a little too keen sometimes and often need my colleagues to tell me that the widget doesn't actually need to work in Netscape Navigator 4 or IE 4.

I am one of those people who will readily admit that I don't know everything but I like finding out about those missing chunks of knowledge and when given the choice of an easy life by implementing someone else's code as is will now often choose the more painful but also more enjoyable option of trying to write my own version. I will have a look at some of the best examples out on the web and try to put them all together which is usually the best way of learning about all those little nice little cross browser intricacies on the way.

As the saying goes nothing worthwhile in life comes easily and this seems to be particularly true with writing cross browser JavaScript code.


zooplah said...

I like JavaScript. I'm taking a class on it right now, though the professor suggested that I just test out of it since I already knew more than the book was going to teach. But eh, it's fun.

The thing I don't like is how it uses the same operators for both addition and string concatenation. In strongly typed languages like Java, that's no big deal, because there's no type conversions going on. But in a loosely typed language, it's a bug waiting to happen.

Rob Reid said...

Yes I like it also for the main reason being that I have to support a lot of old sites written in ASP classic so getting to write a few objects in JS now and then is lovely compared to that. The only downside is supporting IE but without having to learn cross browser support the hard way (Without dropping in jquery or another framework) I wouldn't have read up as much about the history and reasons for all the quirks which I am thankful for doing just because I have had to learn so much.