If you are into horse racing, like a bet or just interested in getting great information straight from the trainers mouth about upcoming races then I suggest checking out my new site www.fromthestables.com. We have teamed up with some of the best known UK trainers to provide a unique high quality service available to members on a daily basis.
Each day our top trainers will provide their expert information on their horses running that day. This isn't a tipster site and we won't pretend to guarantee winners and losers however we do promise to provide quality info straight from the stables every racing day. We have only been running for a week and already we have already provided our members with great information that has led to a number of winners and each way placed horses.
We are currently offering half price membership of only £25 a month but on top of that we are offering new users a free seven day trial so that they can experience the quality information that our trainers provide for themselves. Not only does membership guarantee great trainer insight into horses running that day we also offer a variety of deals and special offers which include discounted race course tickets, champagne tours of our trainers stables, free bets from our sponsors and to top it off we also plan to buy a racehorse later this year which will be part owned by our subscribers.
If you are interested in utilising this valuable resource for yourself or know a friend, family member or colleague who would be interested then why not take advantage of our seven day free trial. You will need to set up a PayPal subscription before being granted entry to the site but no money will be deducted from your account until the seven day trial is up and you can cancel at any time before that date. If you are happy with the service then at the end of the trial the monthly membership fee which is currently at a 50% discount of only £25 will be taken from your PayPal account and you will continue to enjoy all the benefits of the site.
To take advantage of our trial offer please visit the following link:
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