Saturday 2 June 2012

The Strictly iPhone Console - Debugging on iPhones

The Strictly iPhone Console - Increasing real debugging without simulators

Yesterday I blogged about debugging on iPhones and how useful the Debugger console was which showed up JavaScript errors and console messages without the need for an agent switcher. However I complained about the lack of ability to view the generated source code on the page when viewing on an iPhone.

However I remembered sometime back I blogged about some bookmarklets I was using that enabled me to view the generated source on older browsers like IE 6 and tonight I knocked together a little script that enables you to have basic "onscreen" debugging functionality when using an iPhone.

The code is some basic JavaScript that adds a DIV area to the bottom of the current page with two links at the top that allow you to view the generated and raw source code for the page. These open up in new windows and  if you have problems with them opening you might need to enable the popup window functionality in your iPhone Safari settings first.

Underneath is a basic console which due to the lack of scrollbar functionality on DIVs with overflow:auto or overflow:scroll I have created with a readonly textarea. If you need to scroll down the console you should use the two finger drag option to move the content within the textarea up or down.

I have also overwritten the window.console object so that the console.log function pipes out messages to this console if it's being used.

To Install the Strictly iPhone Console

1. On your iPhone visit this page and copy the JavaScript code from the area below into your clipboard. or vis

2 .Bookmark any page on your phone and then go into your bookmarks and edit it. Change the name to "Strictly Console" before pasting in the copied source code as the URL location for the bookmark.

3. Test that the code is working by going to a webpage on your iPhone and once the page has loaded open your bookmarks and select the "Strictly Console" bookmark. The console should appear at the bottom of the page. At the top of the console will be two links in a grey background "View Source" and "View Generated Source". Underneath will be the console area.

Clicking on either of those links will open up a new page with either the original source code or the generated source code from the current page. If nothing happens when you click the link check your Safari settings so that you allow Pop Ups. When you click the link it will ask you whether you want to open the pop up or not. Choosing Yes will show you the source in a new window.

4. To pipe debug out to the Strictly iPhone console window just use the standard console.log('hello'); function to do so.

As with all code that relies on DOM element make sure you check for the the existence of the console before trying to access it e.g a simple debug function could look like this:

function ShowDebug(m){

If you have problems copying and pasting from here (due to the crumy formatting of HTML in blogger) then you can download the compressed script from this location: iphoneconsolebookmark.js

var%20log=_d.createElement("div");log.setAttribute("id","logger");"visible";"block";"2147483647";"relative";"#fff";"1px%20solid";"98%";"0";"0";"3300px";"5px";"left";_d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(log);var%20link=_d.createElement("div");"100%";"lightgray";"navy";"bold";link.innerHTML="%3Ca%20onmouseout='\"navy\";'%20onmouseover='\"blue\";'%20style='text-decoration:none;'%20href='#'%20onclick='console.RawSource();return%20false;'%3EView%20Source%3C/a%3E%20|%20%3Ca%20onmouseout='\"navy\";'%20onmouseover='\"blue\";'%20style='text-decoration:none;'%20href='#'%20onclick='console.GenSource();return%20false;'%3EView%20Generated%20Source%3C/a%3E";log.appendChild(link);var txt=_d.createElement("textarea");txt.setAttribute("id","logwindow");txt.setAttribute("readonly","readonly");"100%";"300px";log.appendChild(txt);

Test the Strictly Debug Console now

You can try the Strictly iPhone debug console out on this page by clicking the following button which will add a new debug message to the console on each click. The console should already have 15 messages inside it which were added when the page loaded. Remember the console will be at the very bottom of the screen so scroll right down to see it.

Obviously this is a very basic iPhone Console and nothing like Firebug or Chromes inbuilt console but it could be easily expanded with a little work and by loading in the jQuery iphone library you could easily create a popup DOM inspector that was initialised by a long tap down event to show the current elements styling and positioning. Let me know what you think and if you amend it to add more features let me know so I can update the code here.

To read why a proper debugging console ON the device is required rather than a user-agent switcher then read this article I wrote about debugging on iPhones.


Nick Smith said...

Great script - I was using a user-agent switcher plugin on FireFox to simulate an iPhone but it leaves so much out.

At least now I get the real source code and generated source. Plus I love not having to go off to the debug console page to view my messages.

Very clever - keep it up!

Joe Smyth said...

I like this script. It lets me see the console messages on the screen and I am using it to debug iPad applications by only loading it in when the agent is detected as an iPad.

It sure makes a difference being able to debug what's really happening rather than just using an agent switcher.
