Monday 15 January 2018

Quickly Grab Generated Source Code With One Click

Quickly Grab Generated Source Code With One Click

By Strictly-Software

Now that my broken arm is getting better I will be doing more code. It still hurts like mad though, the arm bone didn't even look like it belonged anywhere near the shoulder where it was dislocated.

If you want WordPress plugins then go and check out the main site which I need to do some work on. I am also thinking of building an alternative search engine to get round Google's/CIA/NSA's de-ranking and demonetisation.

I used to have a Super Search Engine years ago, that took the top 10 items from Google, BING and Yahoo, however they kept changing the source code until it all became AJAX loaded in on the fly and too hard to scrape.

I think with the push or deletion of alternative news down the rankingsand pro-establishment news gaining viewers they would never had got a year ago due to Facebook's subservience to the USA and Israeli governments. More and more people will move to new decentralised social media platforms and once that happens Facebook and Google, who are already losing out to  due to privacy concerns will lose money in their share price as well as many members.                                 

The problem is money of course and too few people click on adverts or donate out the kindness of their heart.

I think, like, that has a starting page of core main #altnews websites and podcasts, I could write my own one and charge £10 for a relevant #altnews blog or channel to be added to the SERP, just so that small alternative sites have the same chance of being found in results and sites like CNN and the BBC are weeded out.

Easiest way of creating a SERP. Just ensure the site is relevant and not mainstream.

Anyway I was fixing a bug today when I realised that it was a bookmark with an http source on an https site that prevented the lock from showing.

Sometimes I don't think people realise how dangerous loading third party scripts can be.

Just loading in a CSS stylesheet could cause nightmares.

For example say your site loaded in a stylesheet from which loads in a background PNG image which in turn loads in another remote 3rd party stylesheet from

Then one day the person in control of that site changes that 2nd image to a dangerous .js file or .exe that loads in an XSS attack.

You are so far removed from the actual cause of the problem that with minification and compression you might have no hope in finding the dangerous file.

So one day the 2nd CSS file that you are loading looks something like this:

background:url( no-repeat 16px 0;

Then one day this site owner changes his background image to be an .js file e.g

background:url( no-repeat 16px 0;

And when the page loads, and after your onDOMLoad event loads in these scripts it hits your user with the JavaScript sites code.

A recursive script might be handy to run every day to check diagnostics by referencing every URL it finds in any style-sheet or JavaScript on your site.

Follow it backwards and check every other URL it finds.

Another way, if you are perfectly happy with your code is to create local versions of the files and images and keep it all on a server you control so no-one could malform the objects being loaded.

This is a bookmarklet script I wrote years ago that shows me the DOM loaded afterwards and not before.

I wanted to see what scripts and files had been added since I pressed the View Source button that shows the HTML and JS/CSS before any code is run on the page.

I use it all the time. I created a bookmarklet and added it to my bookmark bar so it's within easy reach with a URL to and save it.

I then edit it and change the location of the JavaScript I want from to the code so that it runs. This might not be necessary anymore but I had add a real URL in the old days.

This code basically takes a snapshot of the DOM once all 3rd party objects have modified the code, loaded videos, changed images and anything else sites like to do when onDOMLoad (not onWindowLoad, which only fires once every image and external object has been loaded.

As you are loading the code with a press of a button there is plenty of time for the onDOM onWindow and onFrame load events to fire, plus many others.

javascript:(function()%7b function htmlEscape(s)%7bs=s.replace(/&/g,'&amp;');s=s.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');s=s.replace(/</g,'&lt;');return s;%7d; x.document.write('<pre>' + htmlEscape('<html>\n' + document.documentElement.innerHTML + '\n</html>')); x.document.close(); %7d)();

As the HTML 5 spec still allows for href="javascript: ..... " then a link or button can run JavaScript when it really should be running external document.addEventListener events to each object needing code to fire when hit.

The code just creates a URL encoded function called htmlEscape which replaces brackets and ampersands and opens a new window writing this new code out into the document.documentElement.innerHTML.

Not hard to do but very useful.

By Strictly-Software

© 2018 Strictly-Software

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